Usage: php [siteCode] [--connectionString] [--engine] [--queue] [--help] [--verbose] -c, --createSQLFilePath The full path of the sql insert statement sql file to produce -C, --channelId The channelId to insert the article into -f, --fromConnectionString The mysql connection string to use to get data from. (ex: mysql://[user]:[password]@[ip]:[port]/[database]) -fu, --fromUsername The mysql username -fp, --fromPassword The mysql password -h, --help print a summary of the options -n, --nbRecords The number of record to get -s, --startAt Start at element id number x -S, --siteId Site ids to insert data into. (multiple = comma seperated list) -t, --toConnectionString The mysql connection string to use to import data into. (ex: mysql://[user]:[password]@[ip]:[port]/[database]) -t, --toUsername The mysql username -tp, --toPassword The mysql password -v, --verbose enable verbose mode (true/false) (default: false) Example: Here is the one to use actually. (source database info) php -f "mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=solr_timespast" -fu root -fp root -c "/tmp/createSQL.sql" -n 1 -S 3